The clock on the nature
I'll make a stop in entries over Scotland to dedicate this entry to areas dens, as ultimately is the goal of the blog. The human being has always been committed to quote it all, in measure, in order to express it in numbers ... I guess that pretend that everything is in order, makes us to relax. No But the clock of nature depends on many factors such as rainfall, climate, etc ... To give an example, the deer rutting always the case in late September and early October, but we can not say that day begins, because if the rains have been delayed a little bit more or if there is intermittent rainfall in early September the deer are "jealous" before. Everyone knows that the Fall officially begins September 23 at dawn, but according to the timing and nature watch the fall begins with the roars of male deer in the Cantabrian mountain.
The rut is a natural ritual that I have attended since I have memory. Had 6 years when he kicked the beech with "fleitas" hitting me in the chest and getting wet with morning dew. It is an event that has had a tourism boom in the last decade. I remember when we were in rut and we were not with anyone. Once a guard accompanied by hunters but little else. However, the explosion of "ecological consciousness" (in quotes because there is a real conscience, I wish I was) and assistance from ecologists increasingly asphalt to the mountains makes the rut and do not convey that sense of contact between yourself and the nature that was a few years ago.
male deer (Cervus elaphus ) screaming in the Cantabrian Mountains (click to enlarge)
This year I attended less than normal in the rut and yet it was the best year I have enjoyed and observed the typical rituals of behavior. In the rutting male deer are usually creating a harem females, females with calves and others. This harem they defend from other males and females mate with it. This year could see yet another lesser-known protocols. In the same number of males have been displayed in an area where a couple of females in heat. That is when these males are about the female, watercress and fight to win permission from the female and reproduce.
Deer Enceladus in the Cantabrian
is a period of great stress and physical exhaustion for males of this species and which often do not have time to eat as they should, having to remain constantly vigilant both to prevent other approaching males, to prevent them from leaving the females. When a female tries to get away from the male that the saves so that the female is forced to turn around and return to the harem.
When two males are too close to a female nearby, usually ends in a collision in which the males lower their heads and horns intertwine to produce a dry sound like the breaking of firewood in the forest. Usually be Small, but can sometimes take several minutes. Do not usually cause serious damage but no deaths in which a deer drives a luchadera in the opponent's body or head killing him. More standard injuries are cuts and a broken tip of the horns.
Deer Fight in the Cantabrian Mountains
not always get to the fight. What I usually do is pitch in male fern and scrub to show their strength when starting fragments thereof. Also have an important effect bawling, of course. But not only influences the intensity of the squall, but the timing, tone, high or low it is .. are a combination of factors makes females opt for one or the other males. Tenran must note that as you will make your belly and nutrition for babies during pregnancy and breastfeeding have to find a male qualities to offset that cost, to ensure in any way the success of the offspring.
Deer watercress in the atmosphere of the Cantabrian
Though not always a priori males are the ones who seem to have more offspring end up that way. There opportunistic males with less strength and qualities expected in the broom to spend some clueless female of the harem to copulate with her.
Most Photo of rutting are made of Mediterranean mountain areas as CabaƱeros, high Tajo and similar places. However watch this show in the Cordillera with the feeling that at any moment you can see a bear or a wolf that has a special magic.
The rut
A curiosity is that I have heard deer watercress in July, an Asturian mountains. Therefore, the deer do not use this method exclusively for the zeal but may serve for something else.
Dispute between males and females
And when the rut takes its last legs when the yellow color palette and starts painting red the Cantabrian mountains leaving shocking images to our retina. In fact in most cases is not that new pigments in the leaves, but the green pigment (chlorophyll) degrade exposing the yellow and orange pigments (carotenoids) that call so much attention.
Beech in autumn
Detail beech leaves in a Cantabrian
salamanders also with their black and yellow leaves adorn the floors of the northern forests, bringing its touch of color to the spectacle of autumn .
Samandra (Salamandra bernardezii salamander)
So we see that despite our calendars marked time in a way that we are more or less useful, nature takes its pace without guided by established rules and based only on itself. I hope you enjoyed the entry and greeting. Well
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